Tuesday, 23 December 2014

News from Aurela ~ 22.12.2014

This post was published first on the WLV blog in German on Mo 22/12/2014:

Unfortunately, she is not feeling well: she caught a cold last week that
Aurela is ill
developed into a light pneumonia. She developed a fever in the last few days and mostly slept and hardly ate. Her parents are worried because of her illness.

That is the reason she had to go to the hospital today and have a scan. She should have stayed there because she needs an infusion every day for the whole week. But there were no space for her that means that her parents have to go to the hospital every day with her which is 6 km away in Gjilan. It's torture for Aurela who is afraid of the needles and then cries a lot.

On top of that, her parents have to go to the hospital in Pristina (45 km away) on Friday to have her general condition of health tested. It can't be done in Gjilan as they are missing material which is necessary for the tests.

Unfortunately, that will be a little more expensive too ~ which is an enormous strain for the family beside their fear that her condition again could deteriorate drastically.

We have decided to create an emergency fund with our free means and what is possible privately to relieve her parents a little. It will be used for medication and treatment in the way it is possible in over there if necessary. We would be very glad if you liked to help! Please contact us via E-Mail.

You can find all the information here on the blog or on the homepage if you like to help Aurela to get healthy in full.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Winter in Kosovo is cold

This post was published first in German on 14th December 2014 here

In Kosovo, it can get pretty cold as with the continental climate the difference in temperature is much more extreme than in Germany. Ulf Hundeiker experienced this himself when he visited Aurela in March 2013.

However, the reserves of Aurela's family are used up ~ the girl though grows of course and develops splendidly as she responded well to the expensive chemotherapy against her leukemia. 

Her winter clothes from last year do not fit her anymore like with all children. We from WLF have collected used winter clothes as new clothes are unattainable for family Haliti. She must not die of cold as she is supposed to get a stem cell transplantation as soon as possible to get
a full recovery. In fact, thanks to many donators enough clothes came together, and they are all with Aurela now. Many thanks to all donators.  

For donations for a stem cell transplantation that is not possible in Kosovo look at the right side of this blog. 

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

A Pretty Normal Girl?

This post was first published in German here: Ein ganz normales Maedchen?

Even though Aurela suffers from leukemia she is a really tough little girl. 
She loves little computer

Aurela 2014
Aurela in December 2014
games and adores Barbie dolls.

She really enjoys to go by bus with all the school children from her village and would love it if she could go to school herself. However, her parents can’t even afford to send her to kindergarten right now.

Fresh fruit are very important for her health. She likes eating them but of course like other children she also loves sweets especially chocolate figures she can play with.

She most likely needs a stem cell transplantation to survive. However, that is not possible in her home country of Kosovo. Her parents also do not have any health insurance and have to pay for her treatment with their small income and with help from their family.

If you want to help and give her a chance to live and grow up to be a tough young woman, then you can find out how to here:

Monday, 1 December 2014

It goes well for Aurela ~ at least for now

Aurela and her test results
(November 2014)
This post was first published in German on November 12th on World Vision e.V. , and you can read it here.
Today young Aurela has gotten her new test results. Her doctor said that it looked ok for now, so she has all reason to present them proudly! 
But of course her condition can change anytime that is why her parents have to make sure that she is nice and warm at all times and that she eats healthily! 
Her family always worries about her, because she still has to wait for a life-saving stem cell transplantation - we can only come by the huge amount slowly. 
For all those who want to help Aurela can find information here

It's a long time since we heard from little Aurela who suffers from Leukaemia

You can find the original German post here: Lange nichts mehr von der leukaemiekranken kleinen Aurela gehoert

It was quiet around the project for quite some time. There was not a lot to report because we had to wait. The maintenance therapy against the acute myeloid leukemia of now nearly three and a half year-old Aurela from Uglar in Kosovo was stopped and so far her blood test results have been stable.

Exact tests about her actual condition are difficult and expensive - at least for the Haliti's, who have
Little Aurela in hospital
debts already due to Aurelas illness. There is still no health insurance in Kosovo neither is another social security which could help. A puncture of her bone marrow would give more meaningful information and enable a prognosis.

We do everything to make that possible because little Aurela is still not healed - in spite of good blood test results. And the donations are still not enough for a stem cell transplantation with which she could be saved. But we need much more money for that. However, the amount of donations is encouraging.

Monday, 28 April 2014

In our own case: Attempts to defraud at the expense of the weak

This post has been posted on the German Aurela Blog in German on fourth April 2014:
" Again some very clever person tried to sign up for a dating agency with our donations account. 
Of course with another name and this time especially brash. He or she used the nickname of a blogger who helps since a long time with everything in her power to help Aurela. Unfortunately this was not the first attempt to defraud ~ but certainly the most bold. 
We do not have to discuss the moral status of such an action. 
To use the donation account of a charity which tries to save lives, to help and to do something good in this world, fro signing up at dating agencies, sex- and gamble portals and online shopping businesses is plainly disgusting. And all of us are in agreement of the character of people like that. 
Sad world in which something like this exists... 
But you should know something, you wanna-be fraudsters: 
  1. We SEE it. Always and instantly. And stop a direct debit like this directly. An attempt like this does not give you anything. 
  2. We give the information directly to the provider of the service (who has been defrauded as well) which means the account is closed down at once. Our account number will be noted there. The second time you try, they know as well. 
  3. If you try a second time we tell the police. Attempted fraud is a crime. 
So to all of you who have thought about it ~ DON't DO IT! It is annoying and does not help you at all. 
And think about what you are actually doing here.... 
Your  WorldLifeVision – Team!"

Monday, 24 March 2014

One hundred and eighty six Euro and no Hoeness in the background

This post was originally posted in German on the World Life Vision blog on March 11th a week before my last translation last week. Sorry:
Aurela with  mum and nan
Aurela with mum and nan

"One hundred and eighty six  Euro and a few cent do the tablets cost that Ulf Hundeiker got from the pharmacy. Aurela does need Mercaptopurin again which is part of her maintenance therapy against her acute myelogenous leukaemia. Mostly he pays for it himself even though he does not have a lot himself but this time friends helped out. And those have not a lot either. Not that any of them could defraud millions in tax like former German footballer Uli Hoeness. 

That is a bit unpractical as the stem cell transplantation for Aurela, for which we fundraise, does cost up to 250 000 Euro. And until then expensive medication has to be sent to Kosovo. 

Aurela is now nearly three years old and grown enough to understand a lot of the whole thing. A while ago she asked her aunt: "Has Ulf send the tablets again?" Yes, he has. Even though a lot went topsy turvy this time and at first there was not enough delivered. Like this Aurela has won a little more time. But sometime the effect of the maintenance therapy will stop. Hopefully, Aurela will have new stem cells by then. 

You can help too with a donation to save her life. A little family in Kosovo would be eternally thankful!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Nearly good news from Aurela

Hardly after the latest tablets were sent to Aurela in Kosovo who suffers from leukemia, pretty good news
Aurela on her swing
came back. The maintenance therapy which is meant to stop the return of the acute leukemia can be stopped. Which means her leukemia has stopped for now. Which means for Aurela: Not having to go to the hospital every four weeks for four days, not being stung by needles for injections and not feeling ill for a few days afterwards.

The results do not show any irregularities anymore. There are no degenerated blood cells anymore. Cancer is defeated for now.

Just for now though. Not for forever! Because a little rest still rests in the bone marrow of the nearly three year old girl from Kosovo. That is why hardly anything changes for us: She still needs a stem cell transplantation, which is the only chance to fully heal Aurela! Ulf Hundeiker who initiated the campaign "Please help Aurela" just does not have to send medication to Kosovo on a regular basis.

She will get another thorough examination. That will show how it will go on. If she needs therapy again. Or. Or. Or.

And it also means: A stem cell transplantation costs a fortune. Everybody can help with a donation!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Aurela is a brave patient

Little Aurela who suffers from leukaemia is not even three years old. She will be in July. But two years ago no one believed she would even get to that age. But luckily she responds (still) well to the maintenance therapy, and that is how she has won a little time to get her lifesaving stem cell transplantation.

But this operation is not possible in Kosovo as there is no health insurance. Until then, she gets maintenance therapy every four weeks for four days which still works well.

Aurela on her swing
Since she is six months old, she gets pricked by doctors and nurses for blood tests and the chemotherapy. But Aurela is a brave girl ~ recently when she was at the doctor for a blood test her mother had to go to the toilet and Aurela stayed with the doctor.

She gave her hand freely to the doctor! Which she told her mother directly and proudly:" Mummy I have done the blood test by myself!"

She does know it is easier this way. She won't get used to it though. She has to suffer a few days from the aftermath of the chemotherapy, but she is back to her old self pretty fast. She does love dancing and singing too much.

Hopefully for a long time to come. Because we still do not have the necessary 250 000 Euro together for her stem cell transplantation. And we will need some time for it. We still do need a lot of money and help!

You can find the original German blog post here: WLV ~ Aurela ist eine tapfere Patientin

Friday, 3 January 2014

create connections ~ save a life

Aurela auf der Schaukel
Aurela on her swing
In the beginning there was a man who was determined to save the life of Aurela, who suffers from leukaemia, with a stem cell transplantation . How ever this could happen. He found World Life Vision and soon joined. He found sympathy. He found rejection. But knot by knot a network of connections of many totally different people began to emerge. 
And this network works a lot in the background of the project. Through connections to many different areas and regions new possibilities arise which might help to save Aurela. Someone knows doctors here; someone knows translators there; someone else knows societies and people with more connections.  
It is easier now to answer questions: Where is the most convenient place to get a stem cell transplantation done? Not only due to costs of doctors but also transport, translators and more.  
Which examinations are needed in advance and how are they organised in a way that they really work?! How can you lower the hurdles to get a visa? After all most visa applications from Kosovo to Germany a declined. 
And last but not least: How do we get the still needed money (please find information about donations on the right side under the "translate" button)? Which organisations and companies could help?

A lot happens in the background. And everybody can help. With donations. Or with spreading the word. Or with useful contacts. Or.....
Because Aurela wants to live! And the place of her birth should not stand her way.

Originally posted in German here: http://wlv-ev.de/blog/verbindungen-schaffen-leben-retten/

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy & healing new year to Aurela and all of you!

Hello out there,

there is another storm raging outside our house so it's the best time to wish Aurela, her family, Ulf, WLV and all of you a happy, healing and prosperous 2014!

Just in case you need a wonderful new years resolution ~ here is one for you:

I'll donate money and/or spread the word about Aurela!

Your efforts are much appreciated!

pebbles on the beach