Friday, 3 January 2014

create connections ~ save a life

Aurela auf der Schaukel
Aurela on her swing
In the beginning there was a man who was determined to save the life of Aurela, who suffers from leukaemia, with a stem cell transplantation . How ever this could happen. He found World Life Vision and soon joined. He found sympathy. He found rejection. But knot by knot a network of connections of many totally different people began to emerge. 
And this network works a lot in the background of the project. Through connections to many different areas and regions new possibilities arise which might help to save Aurela. Someone knows doctors here; someone knows translators there; someone else knows societies and people with more connections.  
It is easier now to answer questions: Where is the most convenient place to get a stem cell transplantation done? Not only due to costs of doctors but also transport, translators and more.  
Which examinations are needed in advance and how are they organised in a way that they really work?! How can you lower the hurdles to get a visa? After all most visa applications from Kosovo to Germany a declined. 
And last but not least: How do we get the still needed money (please find information about donations on the right side under the "translate" button)? Which organisations and companies could help?

A lot happens in the background. And everybody can help. With donations. Or with spreading the word. Or with useful contacts. Or.....
Because Aurela wants to live! And the place of her birth should not stand her way.

Originally posted in German here:

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy & healing new year to Aurela and all of you!

Hello out there,

there is another storm raging outside our house so it's the best time to wish Aurela, her family, Ulf, WLV and all of you a happy, healing and prosperous 2014!

Just in case you need a wonderful new years resolution ~ here is one for you:

I'll donate money and/or spread the word about Aurela!

Your efforts are much appreciated!

pebbles on the beach