Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Aurela's little brother

This post was published on Aurela's WLV-Blog on the 20th of January 2015 in German:
Aurela's little brother
Aurela's newborn little brother

"It happened this morning at 9am: Aurela's little brother was born! We had announced a sibling for Aurela before but unfortunately she was stillborn. So this time we didn't say much in advance. The boy weighs 4000 grams and still waits for his name. The birth was quite exhausting for the rather small Kosovare. She lost a lot of blood and is not well yet. We cross fingers that she'll be better soon. 
And we want him to grow up well. With the support of his "big" sister Aurela. One more reason to fight against her leukemia!"

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

In Spite of Good News for Aurela ~ The Clock is Ticking!

This post was first published in German on the WLV-Blog on 11th January 2015:

In spite of encouraging blood test results, Aurela is not healed yet. Far from it. Only a bone marrow or
Aurela Haliti
Aurela with inflammation
of the middle ear
stem cell transplantation can heal her. She just gained a little time. 
She is ill again even though there has been relief that she felt better just before the New Year.
This time it is not only a sore throat, but an earache as well. She is exhausted and does not want to eat either. 
The attending doctor in Pristina told her parents again that real healing can't be achieved in Kosovo (there are no bone marrow transplantations possible) and that her living conditions are not ideal either: there is mold in their house. 
But her family can't change that ~ there is no money for a major renovation neither do her parents have the money for an operation in another country. But if nothing changes it is pretty likely she won't survive her 5th birthday even though she managed well up to now. 
We ask you to go on donating and sharing her story for her to live healthily and being able to become an adult. Every single Euro counts!  
To do this together is the only way to help her and facilitate a stem cell transplantation. A therapy that is usually paid for by health insurance in western European countries, if a fitting donator is found. But for Aurela there is not even a health insurance. 
Her only chance is the people who together with us fight for her and are of the opinion: Yes ~ even one single child has the right of life and most of all for being saved. Every life is precious and worth to be saved even though it is expensive, and you could save more children with the money. 
That might be the case but no one, REALLY no one should decide who's life is worth saving and who's isn't. 
For her family, Aurela is the most important little person in the world for whom not only missing education, poor circumstances and a full plate is needed but it is about pure survival. On top of that no one seems to be interested in their country as it is no area of crises anymore. 
There are no aid organisations anymore which would care for the medical treatment of children like Aurela. And she is probably not the only child with a fate like this - but who knows exactly as no one looks that way anymore.
We can make a point with saving Aurela! 
For EVERY life, every child is precious and important. 
For the importance of finding an interest in countries, no one cares anymore for. 
For the knowledge that people in these countries are not only poor, they fight with existential needs which seem to be taken for granted in our countries (like for example the care for a child who is ill). 
For in these countries a lot has to and can change ~ with our help! 
We also want to give some attention to our "emergency fund" beside the donations for the stem cell transplantation. 
With "emergency fund/Notfallhilfe", as note to payee you can donate too to give Aurelas parents the chance to pay for doctor's fees and treatment if she gets suddenly ill. Because more than often the means are missing for that.  

Friday, 2 January 2015

Good News for Aurela

This entry was first posted on the WLV-blog on Sunday 28th December 2014 (in German)

She has recieved her last infusion today and she is a lot better already!

Her family is relieved, as any "normal" illness that weakens her immunesystem can make her situation drastically worse which would mean only a prompt stem cell transplantation could save the little girl.

Please keep supporting the fundraising for Aurela!

Aurela with Lolly
Aurela is nearly over
her pneumonia

Aurela receives treatment because of pneumonia

This entry was first posted on the WLV-Blog on Wednesday 24th December (in German).

Aurela got her first infusion against her light pneumonia yesterday. She felt better yesterday and we cross fingers that she will get better soon!

Aurela with infusion
Aurela with infusion