Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Aurela inbetween chemotherapies

Aurela, who is now two and a half years old, is actually quite a normal child inbetween chemotherapies which she gets every four weeks. She talks constantly and her vocabulary grows daily.
Aurela auf der Schaukel
Aurela on a swing
She laughs a lot and dances happily to music when she has recovered from those four exhausting days in the children's hospital in the capital Prishtina. She switches on the tv herself if necessary and even finds the music channel! 
She also loves to talk on the phone preferably with Mimoza, Ulf's German speaking contact person in Kosovo. Really a quite normal, cheerful child -

if there would not be the leukaemia for which she gets treated since two years which is actually nearly all her short life. Right now it is ok with her after she just about cheated death two years ago.  
But the only real chance to heal the leukaemia fully is a stem cell transplantation. This can not be done in Kosovo especially as it is extraordinarily expensive: In Germany for example such an operation would cost up to 250.000 Euro!
Even the running treatment is not easy to ensure. Some medication is not available in Kosovo. These are bought by Ulf Hundeiker the project "manager" in Germany and he organises their transport to Kosovo as well. But the rest needs paying too and that has to be in cash as there is no health insurance in this still destroyed country. 
The Haliti's, her family, is highly in debt because of that but there is nothing too hard to bear for them for little Aurela. But to raise a quarter of a million is absolutely not possible. That is why we fundraise. For that Aurela can laugh happily when she will be grown up.


Project information
Film about Aurela (Please enable subtitles for English translation)

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